WIN this Golden Giveaway!
Guess how many M&Ms are in my extra-large martini glass and WIN!
I’ve counted every single chocolate treat and will keep it a secret until I announce the winner on May 29th. Send your winning guess to events@cyndigryte.com. If you’ve already emailed, stay tuned! Remember, the M&Ms on the table do not count. (I ate those.)
Included in this Mermaid with the Mostess host(ess) gift is one mermaid bottle opener, eight sparkling coasters, like the ones pictured below and a package of matching straws (seen in the glass).
Yes, yes, it’s my sneaky way of getting mermaids into every home starting with yours. Happy guessing!
Splish Splash!
Keep your heels, head and standards high and your home a happy one.