The Mermaid’s Guide to Home Bar Must-Haves
If there’s one thing I love to do, it’s entertain. And my friends are crazy about a good, boozy drink and eats, so when they visit I have to be ready with a fully stocked bar, fun cocktails and food! They also get a kick out of popping over unexpected, and since a “Hostess with the Mostess…” or in this case Mermaid with the Mostess, is never caught without the essentials, I keep my home bar ready.
Here’s what I have on hand at all times and what will help you get your bar and your party started. I get giddy just thinking about mixing up a martini, so let’s get to it!
- Vodka
- Gin
- Bourbon, Whiskey or Cognac – I have at least one on hand at all times and buy more specifically when I have time to plan.
- Tequila
These basic liquors will cover all the goodies like Martinis, Sidecars, Old Fashioneds, Margaritas and more! I left out Rum but add it to your bar cart if you’re craving a Mojito. Also, it’s always great to have a bottle of red, white and bubbly at your fingertips.
Starting a home bar can get expensive, so take your time. Here’s a tip, vodka is the workhorse of any bar, so if you can only afford one at a time, start with this showstopper. It mixes well as it’s the “water” of liquors and reduces the risk of heart disease…oh, I don’t know if that’s really true, but I’m positive it reduces stress. ☺
- Cointreau
- Sweet and Dry Vermouth – Did you know these have to be refrigerated? Me either, I’ll be right back.
- Bitters
- Ice
For your mocktail drinkers, I always have great mixers available that also make fab non-alcoholic drinks. I like to keep grapefruit juice, fresh limes, lemons and seltzer on hand. A lot of people love La Croix, it’s yummy and they have endless flavors for fizzy fun!
- Cocktail Shaker – I’m obsessed with shakers and love to match them to the occasion. My fancy pants gold number is pictured in these photos. You’ll see more of it soon.
- Strainer
- Jigger – Okay, let’s get real, not many of us use this at home, but if you don’t have a feel for the measurements yet, it’s helpful. I like to think I have a natural pour…but truthfully it’s a bit on the heavy side. ?
- Bar Spoon
- Muddler
As for food, if you always put a hard and soft cheese, crackers and a sweet, like chocolate, on your grocery list, you’ll look like you knew your crashers were coming every single time.
Have fun building your home bar and I can’t wait to share some of my favorite cocktails, mocktails and more with you!
Splish Splash!
Keep your heels, head and standards high and your home a happy one.